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say yes! say No!
world on fire

The world is on fire. We feel it. We hear it. We see it. We smell it. The tipping point that could set the whole world ablaze beyond return seems nearby.


We must not look away. Not stay silent. Not assuming this will pass on its own. We need to raise our voices, take it to the streets. We must stop the fire. So we wrote and recorded a song. A song of inspiration and hope. Can a song, change the world? Who knows. But sitting still, doing nothing, and waiting in silence is not an option.


So sing it. Share it with as many people as possible. Let it be sung, everywhere, to bend the devastating tipping point into a hopeful turning point.



Music by Olav Ulrich. Lyrics by Olav Ulrich & Kobbe Koopman (c) (p) 2025 - Buma Stemra

play now it's time
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